Fantastic Schools Book List

Fantastic Schools and Where to Find Them!

Books that feature magic schools or learning magic.

Title Author Related posts
on this site
A Great and Terrible Beauty Libba Bray  1
A Scholar of Magics Caroline Stevermer
Academ’s Fury Jim Butcher
Academic Magic Becky R. Jones
Across the Great Barrier Patricia C. Wrede
Alchemy of Shadows David Burkhead
Arrows series Mercedes Lackey
Art of the Adept Michael G. Manning
Begger Magic H. L. Burke
Blood at the Root LaDarrion Williams
Carry On Rainbow Rowell
Changeling Molly Harper
Craft Sequence Max Gladstone
Destine Academy Sara Snow
Down the Dragon Hole Morgan Newquist 1
Dragon School Sarah K. L. Wilson
E Godz Robert Asprin
Earthsea Trilogy Ursula K LeGuin  1
Extranormal Academy Suzanne V. Reese
Fallen Fae Academy Rachel Angel
Fantastic Schools Anthologies Chris Nuttal and Jagi Lamplighter, editors Contains a number of the authors listed here.
Finn MacCumhal series Kenneth C Flint
Gifted Fae Academy Brittni Chanelle
Half Magic Edward Eager’s
Harper Hall Trilogy Anne McCaffrey
Harry Potter J. K. Rowling
Inharmonic A. K. R. Scott
Irving Wishbutton and the Questing Academy Brian Clopper Not a magical school but in a similar vein.
Janitors Tyler Whitesides
Lost In Translation Margaret Ball  1
Lost Legacy Robert Heinlein
Magi Dawn Andrew Dobell
Magician Raymond Feist
Magicians of Caprona Diana Wynne Jones
Merlin’s Supernatural Academy K. L. Rymer
Miss Mable’s School for Girls Katie Cross  1
Mosaic Chronicles  Andrea Pearson
Operation Chaos Poul Anderson
Paper Magician series Holmberg
Percy Jackson series Rick Riordan
Rachel Griffin series L. Jagi Lamplighter
Ranger’s Apprentice series John Flanagan
Riddle-Master of Hed Patricia McKillip
Rivers of London series Ben Aaronovitch
Royal Institute of Magic Victor Kloss
Schooled in Magic Chris Nuttall  1, 23
Siphon, A Touch of Power Jay Boyce
The Soulforge Margaret Weis
Spellsinger Alan Dean Foster
Super Powerds Drew Hayes
Tarot Academy Sarah Piper
The Accidental Hero  Paul Duffau  1
The Bartimaeus series Jonathan Stroud
The Belgariad David Eddings
The Black Mage series Rachel E Carter
The Black Magician series Trudi Canavan  1
The Calatians (or here) Tim Susman
The Deep School Manly Wade Wellman  1
The Directorate School series Pam Uphoff
The Dragonian series Adrienne Woods  1
The Ebenezum Trilogy Craig Shaw Gardener
The Eisteddfod Chronicles Sarah Joy Adams,
Emily Lavin Leverett
The Ever Afters Shelby Bach
The Fairy Gomother series Mercedes Lackey
The Floating Islands Rachel Neumeier
The Grisha Trilogy Leigh Bardugo
The Hundred Halls Thomas K. Carpenter
The Last Apprentice series Joseph Delaney
The Little Broomstick Mary Stewart
The Magicians Lev Grossman
The Man who was Magic Paul Gallico
The Mystwick School of Musicraft Jessica Khoury
The Realm Series M. C. Pearson
The Spoken Mage Melanie Cellier
The Summoner Trilogy Taran Matharu
The Philosopher’s Flight Tom Miller
The Tomb of the Sea Witch Kyle Shultz
The Underland Chronicles Suzanne Collins
The Wayward Children series Seanan McGuire
The Witches of Worm Zilpha Kearney Snyder
The Worst Witch series Jill Murphy
The Young Wizards series Diane Duane
Thorn of Breland series Keith Baker
To Best the Boys! Mary Weber
University of Doom Mario Acevedo  1
Unseen University Terry Pratchett
Wardens of the West Annabel Chase
Warlock of Graymarye series Christopher Stasheff
Witch Hat Atelier Kamome Shirahama
Wizard’s Hall Jane Yolen
Wizard Academies series Christine Norris  
Zero Enigma Christopher G. Nuttall   1 , 234